The Use of Silver Nylon in Preventing Surgical Site Infections Following Colon and Rectal Surgery
Krieger BR et al., Diseases of Colon and Rectum, Vol.54 No.6, Aug. 2014
Use of Pure Metallic Silver – Plated to Nylon Dressing for: Recalcitrant Wounds
Foote M; Poster presentation
Treatment of Pyoderma Gangrenosum with a Silver Contact Layer
Van Gills C, Duke D and Stark L; Poster presentation
Clinical Case Study – Treatment of Coumadin Tissue Necrosis with Silverlon
Rogers C; Poster presentation
An Innovative Approach Using Silver Contact Dressing To Manage Grade IV Skin Lesions
Lerner Selekof J, Shutt D and Sipes V; Poster presentation
Non-Inferiority of a Novel Silver-Plated Dressing for Central Venous Catheters: A Retrospective Cohort Evaluating Rates of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Adult Intensive Care Patients
Oxner A et al.; Poster presentation
Healing Skin Grafts over Chronic Wounds with Vacuum Assisted Closure* and Silver Dressings**
Carson S et al.; Poster presentation
A Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silver Dressings on Mediastinitis Rates in Postoperative Cardiac Sternotomy Incisions
Huckfeld R et al. Ostomy Wound Management 2008;54(10):36-41
The Combined Benefit of Negative Pressure Therapy (N.P.T.)
Van Gills C, Stark L and Forbes B; Poster presentation
Silverlon® use in Afghanistan for Burn Care
Brandt M-M; Poster presentation
Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
Cedrick; Poster presentation
Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
Cedrick; Poster presentation
Use of a unique Carbon based textile dressing Zorflex® to promote healing and prevent amputation - a case series
Miller M, Markey L and Yoder R; Poster presentation Wounds UK 2016
An evaluation of the Zorflex® carbon fibre dressing in managing bacterial load and aiding healing of chronic wounds
Tadej M, Knowles A, Hampton S; Poster presentation EWMA 2013
A retrospective study to evaluate the effect on an activated carbon dressing on chronic wounds
Young S, Gray S and Hampton S; Poster presentation TVS 2016
Results of directly applied activated carbon cloth in chronic wounds: a preliminary study
Scheer SH, Kaiser M and Zingg U; Article in Journal of Wound Care 2017, Vol 26 No 8
Proteinase Modulation by an Activated Carbon Cloth
Thomas H, Carney J and Westgate SJ; Poster presented at EWMA 2018
Military Applications of Silver-Nylon Dressings
Barillo DJ; Poster Presentation
Long Fiber Activated Carbon Cloth as a Skin Contact Layer Reverses Moisture Associated Dermatitis
Winkler Sr. MJ; Poster presented at SAWC 2018
Experience in treating combat burns in Afghanistan by using silver-nylon dressing.
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Pozza M, Matthew P, Lunardi F; Poster presentation